Session 5
This was the fifth session of the Dungeons & Dragons campaign DM of the Week. The DM was Abra Cadaver and it took place on November 18, 2024.
The party hears a computerized voice saying "Prior subject detected" and a quad-copter drone flies towards them, grabs John, and flies away deeper into the lab. Examining the computer monitor next to Ziti's tank, they see the following:
>revive subject
ERROR: Operation not permitted.
Abra Cadaver sees an office in the laboratory, says it's what he's been looking for, runs inside and a door seals shut behind him. Then brown-lit stale pretzels fall into the lab from the slide Suzy fell down. The party discovers a book called Linux for Beginners along with the following handwritten note behind the front cover.
To Dr Disrespect,
May this increase your knowledge and benefit both our endeavors.
Waldo passes a history check and recalls rumors that The Sparrows are like the illuminati in Compton. They were the ones who built the jeeps. Reading further in the book, they learn they need to enter the word sudo
before revive subject
. Upon trying this, they are prompted for a password. Using the pretzels, they are able to see a brown orb only visible in brown light. Zad plays Taps for it and the orb gives them one part of the password. They then find a brown skull and persuade it to give them another third.
Deeper into the lab they find John by himself in a large circular room who says Dr Disrespect finally made him a "brawn." He then summons bones towards himself until he becomes a large skeleton. After much deliberation about where his loyalties lie, he agrees to give the party the remaining third of the password until he finds himself unable to do so, apparently due to mind control. He attacks the party, but is defeated and crumbles into dust revealing the rest of the password.
The party enters the password and revives Ziti. A door opens and Abra appears holding a stack of papers, saying he solved a puzzle to get out. He discovered that Lord Ratface's murder was carried out by Dr Disrespect and that The Sparrows were an alien race of giant sparrows with their talons in every world government. They're the ones who provided all of the futuristic technology like computers and jeeps. It turns out the fact they always say "cheep cheep" is the reason they invented the jeep. Suzy asks Peter if he's ever seen giant sparrows. He begins to answer, but BlazeDragon calls him annoying and casts Sleep on him.
The party then prints out a map of the castle and visits the kitchen for supplies. They think about visiting the armory but then discover it only has items for skeletons. They go to the garage, steal a jeep, blow up the remaining jeeps and drive down the mountain.
Unsolved Mysteries
- Did BlazeDragon have an ulterior motive for silencing Peter?
- Why would items for skeletons be unusable for humans and a tiefling? Aren't they roughly the same size?